Nail infections Treatment in Pune

What is a nail infection?

Nail infections refer to fungal infections that affect the nails. These infections can occur in both fingernails and toenails, although toenails are more commonly affected. The fungi responsible for nail infections are typically dermatophytes, yeasts, or molds. They thrive in warm, moist environments, making nails susceptible to infection, especially in conditions such as sweaty shoes, communal showers, and pools.


Fungal Infections: The most common cause of nail infections is fungal overgrowth. Fungi enter the nails through tiny cuts or separations between the nail and nail bed.

Poor Foot Hygiene: Not drying feet thoroughly, wearing tight shoes, or keeping feet moist for long time can create an environment conducive to fungal growth.

Weakened Immune System: Individual with weakened immune systems or those undergoing treatments like chemotherapy are more susceptible to nail infections.

Trauma: Injuries to nails, such as stubbing toes or repetitive trauma from poorly fitting shoes, can make nails more vulnerable to infections.

Age: Aging can lead to changes in nail structure, making them more prone to infections.


Nails may turn yellow, brown, or white. In some cases, they may develop a greenish hue.

Infected nails often become thick and brittle, making them difficult to trim.

Nails may become brittle and sensitive to splitting.

Infected nails may change shape, becoming distorted or developing ridges.

Nail infections can cause pain, especially when pressure is applied to the affected nails.


While nail infections are common, several preventive measures can reduce the risk of developing them:

Keep nails clean and dry, regularly trimming them straight across to prevent ingrown nails.

Wear breathable shoes that fit well and alternate footwear to allow them to dry completely.

Minimize walking barefoot in public areas, especially in communal showers, pools, and gyms.

Apply antifungal powders or creams to feet and nails, especially if you are prone to fungal infections.

Maintain a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and manage conditions like diabetes to support overall immune health.

When to See A Doctor

It's essential to seek immediate medical attention if you experience acute abdominal pain accompanied by any of the following symptoms:

Pain that continues despite home remedies or over-the-counter treatments.

Signs of infection spreading to surrounding skin, such as redness, warmth, or drainage.

People with diabetes or weakened immune systems should seek medical attention promptly to prevent complications.

Nail infections, while often considered minor, can have an important impact on quality of life if not addressed promptly. Maintaining good hygiene, wearing appropriate footwear, and seeking timely medical care when needed can help keep nails healthy and free from infections.

If your condition is severe surgical removal of the nail is a considerable option. Dr. Renu Pimpale is a perfection option for this surgical removal. She is a skilled surgeon and has experience in surgical removal of infected nails.

Suffering from nail infections? Dr. Renu Pimpale offers specialized treatment in Pune. Don't let nail infections compromise your health. Consult today!